Convey A Message

        The activity assigned was to create a presentation of a visual story about an inanimate object. The purpose was to be able to showcase different types of shots within a total of 15 photos.

        I approached this task by first creating a story that my photos could follow along to. My story involved a highlighter as the protagonist who falls off a desk and has to find their way back to its owner. I took photos at different angles and distances to get the perfect shot. I organized how the story would include the required shots and how to make it relevant to the story. I then chose the best photos and organized them in chronological order. After compiling the collection of pictures that both tell the story and include the use of different shots, I wrote a short description of the purpose of using a specific shot or angle beside the corresponding cut onto a slide presentation.

        I think I did well on composing the story and shots together, but I could’ve done a better job on the portrayal of specific shots. Using a small object, it was difficult to establish the medium and close-up points of the subject. On my future projects, I can improve on ensuring that a close-up and a medium shot are each differentiable.


     Hello! My name is Veronica and this is my new blog. My blog "Breakfast at the Movies" will explore the different types of media that I'm studying within my AICE Media Studies class. I'm excited to go on this journey of learning together and dive deeply into a world that I already hold so close to my heart. I have always enjoyed movies, TV shows, and books, and as a teenager, I can't say I'm innocent of feeling comfort from applications like Instagram. My blog will showcase all my findings on media consumption as well as my own projects. 

    If I could find a real-life place that made me feel like Tiffany's, then it'd be filled with all the movies and books of the world. 

Creative Critical Reflection

 And, of course, here are my CCR productions! Video 1:  V...